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Let a Kiss Speaks for You

Kiss is a true and sweet manifestation of how one person feels. Often, it speaks more of how we feel at the very moment than saying what we truly feel for the one we love.

Keep Love in Your Heart

A life without love is like a sunless garden. Life cannot bloom without the sunshine of love. It is the invisible force that makes people want to live. It gives happiness to each person. Love makes the world go round.

Love Gives Strength and Courage

Do not underestimate the power of love. It can give you strength and courage to do things you never thought you can do.

The Key to Success and Failure

To most people, success is a product of hard work and dedication. However, if you let everyone know your hard work so that they will be happy, then you are doomed to fail.

Small Joys for Big Happiness

In the search for happiness, we sometimes settle for small joys that come our way thinking that they will eventually become big.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Small Joys for Big Happiness

In the search for happiness, we sometimes settle for small joys that come our way thinking that they will eventually become big.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dream a Reality

Each one has a dream that he wants to achieve. Two people who have the same dream can easily achieve it into reality when they work together.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Everything has Beauty

Beauty of an object depends on who is looking at it. Someone might find it beautiful, while some may snob its appearance. Everything in this world is beautiful. You just need to have the eye to see it.